Our next community film project is a chair exercise training video for local pensioners to do at home. Filming should start in March / April 2017
Every Thursday from 11-12pm they have a chair-based exercise class, to help older people improve their mobility, health and wellbeing in a friendly group. These sessions are part of a borough wide ‘Community Resilience Programme’ funded by Wandsworth Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) and in partnership with Wandsworth Age UK to help people stay independent.
Many of their exercise group choose to stay on for a ‘well earned’ healthy home cooked meal at KLS lunch club!
If you’d like to join then please contact Lucie Brooke on 020 7223 2845 and [email protected]
This project is organised by the Katerine Low Settlement, run by the London Royal Academy of Dance and funded by the Wandsworth CCGs
About CCGs
Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs) were created following the Health and Social Care Act in 2012, and replaced Primary Care Trusts on 1 April 2013. CCGs are clinically-led statutory NHS bodies responsible for the planning and commissioning of health care services for their local area. There are now 209 CCGs in England.
Commissioning is about getting the best possible health outcomes for the local population, by assessing local needs, deciding priorities and strategies, and then buying services on behalf of the population from providers such as hospitals, clinics, community health bodies, etc. It is an ongoing process, and CCGs must constantly respond and adapt to changing local circumstances. CCGs are responsible for the health of their entire population, and are measured by how much they improve outcomes.
CCGs are:
- Membership bodies, with local GP practices as the members;
- Led by an elected Governing Body made up of GPs, other clinicians including a nurse and a secondary care consultant, and lay members;
- Responsible for approximately 2/3 of of the total NHS England budget; or £71.9 billion in 2016/17;
- Responsible for healthcare commissioning such as mental health services, urgent and emergency care, elective hospital services, and community care;
- Independent, and accountable to the Secretary of State for Health through NHS England;
- Responsible for the health of populations ranging from under 100,000 to 900,000, although the average population covered by a CCG is about a quarter of a million people.
CCGs work with closely with NHS England, which has three roles in relation to CCGs. The first is assurance: NHS England has a responsibility to assure themselves that CCGs are fit for purpose, and are improving health outcomes. Secondly, NHS England must help support the development of CCGs. Finally, NHS England are also direct commissioners, responsible for highly specialised services and in some cases primary care, though a number of CCGs have now taken on either full or joint responsibility alongside NHS England for this. As co-commissioners, CCGs work with NHS England’s Regional Teams to ensure joined-up care.
As Local Authorities are now responsible for public health, CCGs work closely with them through Health and Wellbeing Boards to achieve the best possible outcome for the local community, by developing a joint needs assessment and strategy for improving public health.